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Die Zusammenfassung : "Nico's Weg"


Film Review: " Nico's Weg "

by Putri Allissa


Nico's Weg is a story about young spanish man whos arrived in Deutschland to meet his Aunt, He's a beginner Deutsch speaker. One day, when he arrives in the Airport, he's listening to a language course in his phone while looking around the airport. When he leaves the airport he met Emma, a young sweet girl. He and Emma casually blow bubbles out side the airport but as soon as he realize his bag is vanished. Unforunately, all of his belongings is in the bag, like his passport, phones, and his aunt address. Luckily, there's Lisa which is Emma's aunt. Lisa is trying to help Nico to find his bag. 

Lisa is offering Nico some help and he agreed, when on the way to drop Emma at a birthday party, Emma teach Nico how to count and spell their name with a cookie. After Lisa drop Emma off, Nico is in the car and accidently hear someone mention a lost bag, Nico grabs Lisa's phone and dial the number to the radio station. Lisa finds out that Nico is calling the radio and then grabs the phone from Nico's hand and try to explain what's going on. Later, Lisa took Nico to her father, her father is a policeman. Lisa's father agreed to help Nico find his bag and asking a lot of question like where he's coming from, his passport number, etc. 

Then, Lisa takes Nico to her apartment and meet her roomates who's trying to set up some decoration for their upcoming party. Lisa's roomate is Sebastian and Nina. They talking about how to help Nico to find his Aunt. and as the time goes by, Nico learn a lot of new vocabulary and new things he didn't know before. Lisa is very helpful to help Nico find his aunt and there's a lot of surprises in the future.


Overall, this movie is very pleasant and enjoyable to learn a lot of new things by watching a movie that has interesting plot and not boring at all. It feels like learning Deutsch is fun because it's easy to understanding and how to apply Deutsch language in daily basis. There's also a German culture that shows on the movie so it's not only we learn how to speak Germany but also how the culture is like in there. 

The duration is pretty long, but the time flew by when you watched it. The team is very clever to pack a learning lesson into a movie so we don't get bored while studying, it's honestly the most fun ways to learn a new language because it's easier to understand if the phrase, word an conversation is based of how to talk everyday, so we can adapt and mimic the actor's conversation. 

To me, it's very entertaining and interesting to study this way plus i had a chance to see German's culture, peoples and its scenery. I'd give 9 out of 10 for this, good one. 

In conclusion:

Nico's weg is a german is a video course that packed into a 3 web series from Deutsch Welle. The actor speaks clear and slowly so we can learn to understand what they say and there's also Deutsch subtitle sho we can hearvwhile learn how the word's spelled. 

Das ist alles! Thank you for reading my Review.

until next time!


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