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Showing posts from October, 2019


                                    ART EXHIBITION what is art exhibition? An art exhibition is traditionally the space in which art objects (in the most general sense) meet an audience. The exhibit is universally understood to be for some temporary period unless, as is rarely true, it is stated to be a "permanent exhibition". Such expositions may present pictures, drawings, interactive art, sculpture etc by individual artists, groups of artists or collections of a specific form of art. The art works may be presented in museum, art halls, art clubs or private art galleries, or at some place the principal business of which is not the display or sale of art, such as a coffee house. An important distinction is noted between those exhibits where some or all of the works are for sale, normally in private art galleries, and those where they are not. Sometimes the event is organized on a specific occasion, like a birthday, anniversary or commemoration. what is  ar


Ammara: hey allissa! Allissa: oh, hello! how are you? where have you been? it’s been a long time. Ammara: um, i'm fine thank you, how about you? i've been busy with my school activities and assignment, and also my extracurricular. Allissa: what kind of school activities? Ammara: i've been chosen to be the next SMAN 3 BANDUNG OSIS chairman. Allissa: wow, how lucky you are, Congratulation! you deserve it, i am very proud of you! Ammara: thank you very much, how about you? what are you busy doing lately? Allissa: oh, i’ve become the champion of Science Olympiad test last week Ammara: wow, that’s great! what is the prize? Allissa: i've got a scolarship to Germany for one month full Ammara: wow fantastic, that’s a really great achievment, good luck then! all the best for you, see you later! Allissa: thank you very much, you too, nice to talk to you, see you later! Amara: goodbye! Allissa: bye! Have a nice day.


                                           SLOTH                                                   Sloths  are  arboreal   mammals  noted for slowness of movement and for spending most of their lives hanging upside down in the trees of the  tropical rain forests  of  South America  and  Central America . The six species are in two families:  two-toed sloths  and  three-toed sloths . Despite this traditional naming, all sloths actually have three toes on each rear limb, although two-toed sloths have two digits on each forelimb. The sloth is so named because of its very low metabolism and deliberate movements,  sloth  being related to the word  slow . This supports their low-energy diet of leaves and avoids detection by predatory hawks and cats that hunt by sight. Sloths are almost helpless on the ground but are able to swim.The shaggy coat has grooved hair that is host to symbiotic green  algae  which camouflages the animal in the trees and provides it nutrients. The alg